Monday, 30 April 2012

Tutorial Five - Video Production Session


During my occupational therapy community fieldwork outings I experienced meeting people with types of arthritis.  As OTs we received referrals from these people who, some, were having issues in their bodies limb strength or/and function to do their occupations around the home, influenced by the arthritis.

Arthritis has many types, but two most common types which are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Here are some video clips to explain more about arthritis and its aetiology, pathology, towards osteoarthritis and rheumotoid arthritis.

What is arthritis? Retrieved 30th April, 2012 from

DPODNZ. (March, 2012). TV Commercial - Arthritis New Zealand. TVC for Arthritis NZ aired on TVNZ, TV3, Sky and Prime. Retrieved 27th April, 2012 from

This 'YouTube' link provided an explanation in relation to Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, but did not provide copy rights to enable me to put it on this blog, but here is its websites address to the link -

Arthritis - what is it?


Retrieved 27th April, 2012 from

Health Video on What is Rheumatoid Arthritis

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Information Technology and Ethical Issues

Information technologies ethical issues ..................  privacy, beliefs, knowledge, skill, rights, security, etc.
What ever you put on the internet is an individuals responsibility to take the step or not.
The internet is an information technological device that has become a huge viral network to allow freedom of speech right around the world now, networking to all cultures, religions and environments, making individuals expose their thoughts.  But people also need to be ready to come upon data linked on the internet from other people with opposite thoughts to them - freedom of speech.
Do people who use the internet know who owns the network and what will or could happen to the data that they put on the network - what security there is, rights, and privacy there is within each network.  How easy is it for other people to hack into the data and steal information from the data, and send it viral.
Things to think about, and what has developed with the increased usage of the computer and the internet, and how people modify it for their liking.

Wikipedia has explained a couple of the issues that have arisened with the computer and the internet -

'Internet Privacy is one of the key issues that has emerged since the evolution of the World Wide Web. Millions of internet users often expose personal information on the internet in order to sign up or register for thousands of different possible things. This act has exposed themselves on the internet in ways some may not realize. In other cases, individuals do not expose themselves, but rather the government or large corporations, companies, small businesses on the internet leave personal information of their clients, citizens, or just general people exposed on the internet. One prime example is the use of Google Streetview and its evolution of online photography mapping of urban areas including residences. Although this advanced global mapping is a wondrous technique to aid people in finding locations, it also exposes everyone on the internet to moderately restricted views of suburbs, military bases, accidents, and just inappropriate content in general.'
Thus ethical issues about storage of personal information are now becoming an ever increasing problem. With more storage of personal data for social networking arises the problem of selling that information for monetary gain. This gives rise to different ethical situations regarding access, security, and the use of hacking in positive and negative situations.
 Wikipedia. Computer ethic. Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 12th April, 2012 from

Information Technology - fieldwork experience

During my time out on placement, as a student Occupational Therapist (OT), I viewed and experienced some of the ways in which OT's use information technology to assist their level of work in data gathering and processing, but also to help provide their assistance to the clients in their daily living.

I observed the OTs - Community OT's - use the telephone landlines to make contact with their referred clients and arrange a date and time to visit them in the community.  They informally interview them plus assess.  The OT would gather data about the client and the referred issue before going to the clients place by sometime collecting information from the computer via the internet or hospital data, to fill in the area they are unsure about.
The OT, when travelling around the community would have a mobile phone so people could have contact with them, for example other OTs, and so they (the OT) had access to a contact if necessary i.e. if held up somewhere, or lost/unsure where the address location actually is.
They use the technology of the digital cameras to provide a visual record; visual record of necessary data when areas of a clients home area needs to be modified to assist the client.  The digital record provides the OT assistance when drawing up a sketch of the area having the modification.

The OT's put their written data about the client transferred onto the  hospitals computer file, for long-term, clients privacy, and accessible only for certain people, e.g. client's doctor, physio, etc.

Some clients on my placements had electronic wheelchairs where they would functionally get around by transferring information to the wheelchairs  using their upper limb to use the remote hand knob/button on the armrest to tell the chair where they wanted to go.

Information Technology! 

Monday, 9 April 2012

Slowly learning what is out there - information technology

With my time, learning to use this blog link; figuring out how to function the links, etc so you can communicate, it has allowed me to get more of an idea of how other network links on the internet are used, which I originally would not have any time or interest in using.

Just a little something I thought was quite neat, done in an animated style retake of a commercial, by Shwiggan. Youtube. Retrieved 9th April, 2012 from

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Information Technology and myself keeping up with it ....

The rate that technology has been going at, during these last 30 years has been hard to keep up with from my perspective.  It has become a thing where you pretty much have to take the dive and go with the flow whether you like it or not; but one of the barrier that comes with it, is the continueses changes that evolve and develop in a short space of time, and how it outdates your products.
Just sitting here and looking around, there are devices that I have learnt to use and have the confidence to use (but still areas of the devices that I don't understand how to work).  For example, my laptop of course which I am tapping away on at the moment to communicate this message and post it onto the blog for who ever to read who has access to a computer/laptop, etc and internet link. 
My printer, which can be connected to my laptop, to print out my required resources of information or study that has been produced or searched (using the internet) on the laptop.

The good old radio .... I can always rely on that piece of technology.  It seems to be quite happy as it is, not continuely changing in size, cost, expectation, etc.  But with the new pieces of technology clouding over, and taking more of the attention and focus away from the radio product, and radio station job source ... It is sadly causing the radio market a down turn, and hard time.  This seems to have already occurred to the camera, where the digital took over and has put the film and camera business out on the edge.  This is where I have had to keep up with the change, like all generations have had too, for example in the past when the industrial boom occurred.
The development of the telephone to the mobile phone, was a nice gradual move; as it went through its stages of development and necessity.  I myself only go for the most basic mobile phone (which seem to still be to fancy, which unnecessary ingredients included - which I don't use).  I only use the mobile phone as a phone for communication with for friends and family, verbally or text.

Information Technology?

I just had to turn my radio off because it was distracting me - now I can focus better ...... hopefully.

Technology, it is everywhere now adays, and we rely on it so much to keep up with our continuing growing population all over the world.

Information Technology - 'The production, storage and communication of information using computers and microelectronics' (Hanks, P. (ed.).(1989).Collins Dictionary. Glasgow: Bath Press.).

The way us human beings communication and treat information + knowledge that is created through ways of communication has developed a productive business using technological products; to store the information for safe keeping and retrieve when required, as a way to communicate to long (or short) distance locations around the world.  For example mobile phones, computers, laptops, iphones, videos, television, USB sticks & hard drives, etc.