During my occupational therapy community fieldwork outings I experienced meeting people with types of arthritis. As OTs we received referrals from these people who, some, were having issues in their bodies limb strength or/and function to do their occupations around the home, influenced by the arthritis.Arthritis has many types, but two most common types which are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Here are some video clips to explain more about arthritis and its aetiology, pathology, towards osteoarthritis and rheumotoid arthritis.
This 'YouTube' link provided an explanation in relation to Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, but did not provide copy rights to enable me to put it on this blog, but here is its websites address to the link -
Arthritis - what is it?
Retrieved 27th April, 2012 from